Monday 3 July 2017

Smashwords - strange name: nice place

'Aren't you on Smashwords?'
To be honest, till one of my online acquaintances mentioned it, I'd never heard of it.
'Smash what?' I countered, though the word was there in black and white in front of me. 'What the fuck is that?'
I am wont to swear when left feeling stupid. I swear quite a lot. 
'It's somewhere else to sell your books, an online site, somewhat like Amazon, but without the megalomaniacal streak.' I wasn't impressed. She pressed on. 'And it pays more.'
I was there in a flash, writing profiles, ticking boxes, uploading photos, generally stumbling around in the dark, banging my head and stubbing my toe. However, it didn't take me long to find the light switch, even less time to publish my first short story. And there it was - there it still is - instantly for sale. Very nice. Very easy.

To be honest, they are more particular than Amazon about the formatting - Amazon is only concerned with a variety of similar Kindles, whereas Smashwords provides multiple platforms (hark at me, sounding like I know what I'm on about!), each of which needs to be satisfied in its own particular way. It's no big deal though. If there's something wrong, they tell you, and in a way that even a simpleton like me can understand. I love them!

Up to the other day, I had three books available. Today, I have six! Yes! That's (6-3= give me a moment, or two... Nearly there...) four more than the other day. Or is it three? Whatever. The new books are all concise enough to read in a lunch break and cheap enough to replace that fattening donut you insist on having every day, even though you know it's not good for you! Well these stories are good for you:

Girl next door

The car park

Xia and the screenwriter

All are from the compilation 'Coffee with Cock', which, at $2.99 and containing ten such torrid tales, is an amazing bargain! I suppose I should say at this point that all my published stories contain some degree of adult content. That's fucking, sucking, licking, fingering, stripping, buggering, grunting, pumping, squirting, shooting, swallowing, tit-fucking, et al. But always a story. Always something to ponder once your cock has been serviced, your pussy has been sated. So if such a combination tickles your fancy, head over to Smashwords and take a look.

If you are more of a traditionalist and prefer the well-documented Amazon experience then please visit my page here:

Take care and I hope to see you soon,

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