Another compilation of my erotic short stories is in the offing. It is entitled 'Measuring up' after one of the included tales. The strap line calls it an 'indispensable compendium', a combination of words which totally tickles my fancy.
The preparation is endless. Though the stories are all already written, that is far from the end of it. The 40k words need careful further fettling before the book will see the light of day. There's editing. Proof-reading. Cover designing. Blurb writing. More proof-reading. Refining. Another cover. More blurb. Read through again. And again. Over and over, till there is nothing, nothing that catches the eye, that snags on the tongue. Comma in or out? In? Out? Shake it all about. Does that hyphen help or hinder? Now delete all the blank lines, the paragraph and speech dividers that some story sites demand. Phew! Phew indeed!
After all that comes the Herculean task of uploading to Kindle. Give me those shit-filled stables any day! Yes, I know it's supposed to be easy, but it never turns out as it should. Page-breaks vanish. Headings become body and body becomes a heading. The contents page doesn't work. Time to read the manual once more and try again.
Almost there. And of course, there's the pasting into notepad to remove all extraneous formatting - an absolute must for a clean final document.
And - of course again - just when you think all is done, one is invited to view the new book in all the various formats - iPad Kindle, iPhone Kindle, Windows Kindle, Mac Kindle, Kindle Kindle - where inexplicable formatting errors will always appear. It's a nightmare. But a good one. For eventually it should all be okay. Eventually. Give me a week and it may well be out there. I'll keep you informed.
Attached is a preliminary cover. A 'beta' I think they call it these days. Hopefully, gamma will be as far into the Greek alphabet as I need to go.
So I'm almost there. On a recent read-through, I decided to insert a short section into my 'Love, lies and the apocalypse' story which appears about half way through the proposed book. The story needed it. And, deep down, I'd always known it. Here it is, plucked from its natural habitat, as naked and vulnerable as a lab-rat. It's a fair example of what you might expect were you to download the finished article. As always, your comments are invited.
Take care till next time,
Alexandra xxxx
Extract from 'Love, lies, and the apocalypse'.
She entered my quarters like a ghost, her gossamer gown drifting gently to the floor as she silently floated towards me. The unmade bed mutely accepted her slender body and she smeared her nakedness across it, limbs stretching, back arching, her half-closed eyes never leaving mine. Lips moved. Air vibrated.
'It's time.'
But for the meagre angle-poise and my dimly glowing laptop, the room was in darkness. I dropped my pen onto the desk, swivelled my chair towards her and simply stared in wonder. She was toying with herself, enjoying herself in the literal meaning of the phrase. Nipping and tugging. Touching and tasting. Writhing and moaning.
'Hurry up, Jim, or you'll miss the party.'
I stood and quickly removed my teeshirt and trousers, peeled off my socks and thermals, till I too was naked. My raging erection spoke immeasurably more eloquently than my clumsy tongue.
'God, Mia, you are beautiful.'
One step and I hovered over her. She reached out then hesitated. It was the only time I ever witnessed her hesitance. In that moment, playfulness evaporated. The simmering woman solidified into the ice-cold scientist.
'I know you're married. Know the score. And I'm fine with it. I don't want love. I want cock. I need cock. And lots of it. You okay with that, Doctor?'
Her mouth needed it first. Her pussy came a close second. In the briefest of intermissions, as I poured coffee, she rolled gymnastically backwards till her knees clasped her half-ears, then drank the cum that drizzled from her innards. The wink was pure Mia.
'Waste not, want not; that's what my mum always used to say.'
The resource she craved I had in abundance. It was infinitely renewable. Unnaturally inexhaustible. I gave: she took. And fuck the consequences. I would cope with the fallout. I would gladly reap the whirlwind.
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