Monday, 26 May 2014

Why #spshow? What is Self-Publisher's Showcase?

I've been asked what the #spshow refers to and why I add it to many of my posts. Well, the answer is quite simple: The Self-Publisher's Showcase is an online entity set up to support and promote the independent writer and self-publisher.

For a modest annual fee - little more than a round of drinks - they offer advice, post publicising tweets, and set you up a very smart personalised page on their site, with photos, a biography, and a detailed list - with covers and blurb - of all your books. They'll include links to your other websites, to your blog, to your Twitter and Facebook pages, indeed anywhere you have an online presence. They may even conduct an interview with you (mine is here: Interview with Alexandra Amalova), which will give you front-page prominence and very valuable exposure. They'll regularly retweet promotional tweets for you and generally raise your profile on their very slick, beautifully-presented and easily explorable site.

The staff hardly ever bite (and if they do it's only gently and in fun), are a great bunch and have a wealth of publishing knowledge. Pop over and take a look! 

Self-Publisher's Showcase

My page is here. Doesn't it look lovely!

My #spshow page

They have around 50k followers on Twitter - @selfpubshowcase - which is a real leg-up to their growing catalogue of aspiring writers. They'll no doubt be re-tweeting this later, which is a bit weird, but that's the world-wide web or www, the only known entity whose abbreviation is phonetically three times as long as its actual name, so what would you expect, other than weird?

Have a great day,
Alexandra :) xxx

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