Am I selling myself short? Should I do it at all? These are questions I always ask myself whenever I give away a book.
It's not an easy thing to do. These broad tomes caused me much pain to bring into the world. And giving them away causes more pain, a pain akin to giving away your children. Not that I have any children. Though, if I think about it, I used to have at least a few running about the place somewhere... Oh. Yes. But that's another story.
My advertising campaign (for the book, not for the children) started something like this:
Get your grubby hands on my #free naughty bits!
'Of angels, mice and men', my #erotic #paranormal/#sci-fi anthology is free till midnight Wednesday (Pacific Time)!
'It will haunt and amaze you. It will astound and arouse you...'
Take advantage of me! I am all yours, no strings attached. And that's always a good thing!
Does that trivialise my hard work, debase the sweat I spilled over every single one of the 40,000 words and their intervening well-meaning punctuation? And on the other hand, is it a sacrifice worth making? Knowing that a reader may download it, read it, like it; like it enough to actually pay for another and then another and so on? I'm not sure. Personally speaking, I never value things I get for free. I don't own them, somehow; well, not properly. I didn't invest in them , either monetarily or time-wise, and so have little respect for them. There was no risk, no... investment.
Anyway. Enough pontificating. If you do want to get your hands on my free naughty bits, you know where they are. No. Not there. Up a bit. Higher. To the right. Down a bit. Left. More. Some more. Yes! Oh, yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Now that was an itch worth scratching...
Scratch me here. Go on... Go on!

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