Monday, 4 December 2017

'Sensual ghosts, a stunning collection of paranormal erotica' now available on Smashwords!

Around five or six years ago, one could only have found my naughty shorties on free story sites such as Literotica, Lush, Short Fiction, and an unholy host of similar others, most of which are now defunct. One day, out of the blue, I received an email from a publisher who, after much flattery (and who can resist that?) said he would like to publish my stories. Publish! My stories! Well, what would you do? I suggested an anthology, perhaps with a theme, perhaps a paranormal theme, and he gobbled it up, said what a spiffing idea. He then said that, as he is such a busy man, I would have have to compile, edit, proof-read etc. myself and send him the finished article. At that point I should have ducked out. As should you if something similar occurs. He was no publisher, simply someone looking to take a cut from my hard work - 50% I believe it was - simply for writing a bit of blurb and uploading it to Amazon and Lulu. Henri, his name was, and he spoke like a 1950's BBC announcer. Beware if such a creature crosses your literary - or otherwise - path. And I'll tell you why: he published as he said he would, collected around 6 months worth of cash and then vanished, stopped responding to emails, simply took my share (not a princely sum, but enough to rub between my sticky fingers) and buggered off.

He did eventually take down the Amazon listing and so I started myself, began the steep learning curve that is self-publishing. It didn't take me long before I was blurb-writing, cover-designing, story-compiling. I was all over Author Central and KDP like the proverbial rash, forever honing and fine-tuning.

'Sensual ghosts', the book he had stolen from me, was reissued as my very own, new cover, new layout, new navigable table of contents, the lot. Five or so years on and there are lots of my books out there, and not only on Amazon, but Smashwords too (you can still find me on Lush Stories, but that is another story). Most are, like 'Sensual Ghosts', erotic compilations. One, 'Literal Fantasies', is a rather naughty and heart-warming novella. Yet another is a pervy poetry compilation, replete with nifty illustrations. 'Alexandra's Naughty Nibbles', a selection of enticing naughty shorties from my compilations, are also on offer, for those who may not have the time or attention span for a more substantial reading/wanking experience. To complete my current cadre, please find the first five volumes of an intended six volume sexy scifi romp entitled 'The Inversion Chronicles', with part six well underway. What a journey it has been!

I should thank Henri, really. Till his intervention, I never knew the self-publishing side of Amazon even existed, would still be freely circulating my wanton wares to an audience of wank-weary wankers.

The point of all this? For there surely must be a point? Ah, yes. 'Sensual Ghosts' my self-proclaimed 'stunning collection of paranormal erotica' is now available from Smashwords. Completely revised, new and improved, and looking better than ever. Go take a look! The first 20% can be downloaded for free! How good is that, Henri, you wonderful thieving bastard!

Have a great week!
Lots of love and soft, sexy hugs,
Alexandra xxx


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