I'm trying to quash the rumour, started no doubt by people who have not seen me for a while, that I have gone to meet my maker. I am in the best of health and not in the least bit deceased. Not in the slightest. And to prove it, I have unpostumously published three books this morning. Yes, three. Could a corpse accomplish that? A cadaver endeavour to do better?
Two of them, Books II and III of the Inversion Chronicles, were previously only available from Amazon, but I have added them to my Smashwords profile for your immediate delectation. You can take a look at the burgeoning series here:
The third newly-published book, and one that gives me even greater pleasure (some of the sex scenes came right from my most delicious organ) is Book V in that same series, which has seen light of day for the first time only this morning. It is entitled 'Everywhere in chains' and will be available once the boffins at kdp have sprinkled their magic on it - if they do actually read it, that might not be all they sprinkle on it.
Once it is live, I'll give you the link. In the meantime, you have enough to get your teeth into. So get stuck in! Here's the cover both to whet and wet your appetite!
On a lighter, more personal note, I have a date tonight. Yes, I do sometimes secure one, before you start. It's not yer usual date, though (as, if you know me at all, you might have guessed), not someone from work of a friend of a friend. Oh, no! It will not be at all romantic. No dinner, no flowers, no candles (there might be candles, though will remain hopefully unlit). It will be a totally physical event: I'm meeting a guy I have so far only cammed with, a guy who, though up to now only virtually, has given me more sexual pleasure than anyone I have yet to meet. And now, tonight, in a hotel room not far from you, we are going to do it. Yes. It. And possibly on cam if he is willing, though we will of course sport masks to hide our identities (though will be wearing little else - possibly only a condom. Well, certainly a condom. The 'possibly' referred to the fact that I might keep my skirt on - I do love a little up-skirt action - or he might keep his socks on). Cam4 is where we met. Cam4 is where we shall show the world how passion can spring forth from hopeful furtive fumblings. I cannot wait, can feel the necessary processes for such a coupling constantly ebbing and flowing both within and without me. I am, in short, all on to stop myself from going too far too soon, from shooting my female bolt, as it were (if females do indeed have a bolt). Wish me luck!
Hope to see you soon,
Alexandra xxxxx
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