Tuesday, 11 April 2017

'First time: last time' - #free #ghostly #erotica from the spooky pen of Alexandra Amalova

For today and tomorrow (Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th April 2017), I am giving away - yes! Giving away! - an eery erotic short story. If you like sex and you like death (though not at the same time, I hasten to add), then you'll love this. On second thoughts, scrub the 'like death'. That's weird. And though the story is weird, it's not weird in that way. It's spooky. And sexy. And uplifting. And tragic. And haunting. And in several senses of the above terms.

Have you ever made love to a ghost? I remember a story about a preacher who asks his congregation that very question. A wiry, unshaven old man at the back timidly puts up his hand. The preacher is incredulous.
'What? You've made love to a ghost?'
'Oh,' the old man sheepishly replies, 'I thought you said a goat.'

So get your free copy now and read till you stop. Then read it again. And, if you feel the inclination, let me know what you thought. I will sit here holding my breath until you do. No, stenographer, I said holding my breasts. Breasts. Yes, that's right. Can I go back to my cell now, please? Thank you.
Take care till next time,
Alexandra xxx

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