Friday, 25 September 2015

#Free #erotica! Mop it up now while it's fresh, hot and sticky!

Unfortunately, the erotica market has slowed somewhat, and so, to give it a kick in its flaccid naughty bits, I'm going to give myself away again. Yes, that's right, you heard me. Give myself away. 'Cos that's how it feels. These stories are me. Contain me. And they are yours. For nothing. Eight of the devious, hot little fuckers. Go wrap your retina around them; let the saucy squiggles infiltrate your brain, stimulate your glands into releasing those heady chemicals we all - yes, all, including The Pope, at least from time to time - crave. and see if you can keep your hands from wandering, exploring the moist contents of your undergarments. And part with not a jot of your hard-earned lolly in the meantime.

And if you like them, go write a review. Yes, you! Write a review. I write 40,000 words, give them you for nada... It's surely the least you can do. Isn't it? Isn't it? Are you arguing, because if... Oh, you're not. Good. Thank you. I'll look forward to reading it x

Then, if - or should I say when - you enjoy it, go and buy another one of my erotic short story compilations. There are seven more to choose from. And yes, I said 'buy'. That will be £2.99. Can you believe it? £2.99? Not even the price of a cup of Starbuck's coffee, yet infinitely darker, unquenchable steamier, and incontestably more satisfying.

Will you? Yes? Wow, thank you! Let's shake on it. Mmm, what a firm grip you have. Keep shaking. Please. Keep... Oh, God, yes, don't stop... don't stop... I'm... I'm... 

Mmmm, thank you. That was amazing.

Till next time, Lover,

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