Sorry again.
Another hiatus; another unacceptable gap. Again and again I am sorry. Writing has somehow taken a back seat to something more important. Yes, I know! Who would have thought it? And it's not sex, though sex is playing a very strong supporting role (and may even receive an Oscar for it).
Love. It's love. Something as puerile as that. Beforehand, BC (before Christian), I barely believed in it, merely held a token faith, much as I believe in God: it would be nice if there were such a thing, and I won't totally deny the possibility, just in case, but - come on! - really? So there it is. While it lasts, I will devote my time to it; when it's gone, I'll come running back to you, dear Blog, distended lips between my legs, flooding with recriminative tears, sobbing sorrily, pussy still aching for his soft tongue and rigid cock.
Before his arrival, I started a story. During our early coy exchanges, I fleshed it out. Some mornings, when I woke early and he was still sleeping off the previous night's prodigious sexual exploits, I tidied it up. And yesterday, as he was visiting family on that strangest of holidays (apparently some guy once got mistaken for the second part of some unlikely holy trinity), I finished it and posted it on Lush Stories. It's a competition piece and their rules state it cannot be reproduced elsewhere till the comp is over (fair enough, as there is a retirement-inducing $200 on offer for the winner!), so I will merely add a link and hope you have the energy and enthusiasm to click and check it out. The competition is entitled 'Hardcore', so expect something a little more naughty than usual. A little.
Tunnels, Tracks, and Trains
Tunnels, Tracks, and Trains
Hope you had a fantastic holiday; take care in the week ahead, while enjoying the longer days and wonderful weather. I, for my part, am going back to bed.
'Get ready, Baby, I'm coming back for more. Oh - and just to help you get him up - it's backdoor day, Honey. I think it's about time I gave you the key to my most intimate entrance!'
Behave yourself till next time,
Alexandra :) xxx
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