Saturday, 22 November 2014 author central pages add RSS blog feeds

Look, I'm no geek. Up till yesterday, I didn't even know what that meant.

As everyone who has a book for sale on Amazon, I have an author page (two, actually: one on and one at, a place where all my books, my pretentious profile, all my wonderful (and unfortunate) reviews, links to Twitter, all that stuff, are cobbled together.  Recently, they have added the ability to include links to my blog. What do you mean, what do I mean? This. This page you are reading now! It's like there, below the scrolling shelf of books, within the scrolling Twiitter updates. Quite beautiful. And all for free-ish. Okay, so they take a percentage of my sales to upkeep and housekeep all these fancy gizmos, but I could never have afforded it on my own, so good luck to them. 

My page

If the link didn't work or you simply could not be arsed (I know, it's Sunday. All that food to eat and Liverpool are on the telly soon!) there's a non-functioning facsimile below. Come on you reds! 

Beautiful, isn't it!

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