Friday, 8 August 2014

Ghosts of the rainforest: an erotic short story

Me again. Annoying, aren't I? 

I wrote a story yesterday, which is rare for me. Not the writing a story bit - that isn't so rare - but the fact I did it in a day is almost unique. Writing takes me ages. I'm never satisfied. There's always a better word, a smoother phrase, a need for either more or less detail. But yesterday, I got it in one! (Okay so it will change, evolve, over the coming weeks, but only slightly. I think.)

I was reading an article in my beloved New Scientist magazine, about rare primates and their plight, how global warming is forcing them ever higher up their mountains,  and how - some day soon - they will run out of mountain. It got me thinking. I generally write erotica, so it had to have an erotic section somewhere, and that's where the whole thing fell into place. It's here, if you'd like a read:

(The link has been removed. This torrid tale plus eleven further stories are now published in ' The Big Bag of Sexy Allsorts', a tooth-rotting collection of concise erotica, available now exclusively on Amazon.

Let me know what you think - not that I'll take any notice, but I just loooove feedback. See you later,
Alexandra :) xxx

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